Clitheroe Club App Guide

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Licenced until 31st December 2029     
Latest Release of the "TrialsAppLive" App is 1.25
google-play      app-store

Cost is £1.75p per entry :- Details Here.

Sign up a new motorsport club Click Here. Support provided by email to my claveyj at gmail account.

Sapphire Solutions also provide a solution for Road Rallies called "RallyAppLive" Click Here
And a solution for Autotest, Autosolo, Targa and Sprints Timing and Results called "TimingAppLive" Click Here

App Screens for Trials Live Leaderboards and Hill Attempt Scorings.

Marshals and Competitors can both use the App to view "Live" Leaderboards.

Select your event to view the first Leaderboard.

Tap the name to view other leaderboards from the dropdown list.

App Screen

Start-Up Screen

App Screen

Event Selection

App Screen

Live Leaderboards

Marshals can login to record hill scores by first entering their club's code.

Selecting the Event and Hill they will be scoring.

App Screen

Club Login

App Screen

Event Selection

App Screen

Hill Selection

App Screens for Trials with Marshals scoring each attempt.

Marshals simply select a Driver from the list.

Then they enter a penalty or cleared for each attempt.

App Screen

Driver Selection

App Screen

Driver Search

App Screen

Enter Penalty

App Screen

Review Penalties

Marshals can also remove a penalty added in error.

They simply tap on the driver to select and tap "Remove Last". Then confirm to remove the last penalty.

App Screen

Remove a Penalty

App Screens for Timed Tests.

Marshals at the Start Line first selects a Driver from the list.

Then they start the timer (volume or screen button) as the driver starts his run.

Timer is stopped at the finish line and a time is shown.

App Screen

Timing Screen

App Screen

Timer Running

App Screen

Post Run Time

Penalties are then recorded if necessary.

Then after tapping "Save" they return to the Driver screen ready for the next driver.

App Screen

Cone Penalties Added

App Screen

Line Penalties Added

App Screen

Wrong Test Selected

App Screen

Clean Run Selected

If necessary a run can be aborted.

A re-run will then be required.

App Screen

Aborting Run

If necessary an Extra run can be recorded.

This can happen if a marshal accidently timed the wrong driver earlier or a re-run is required for a run that was already saved.

These can be corrected in Admin.

App Screen

Extra Run